BURIED IN TEARS Buried in tears I spread my angelic wings Ready for the unknown Buried in tears My lips let out The dangerously unexpected scream of joy Buried in tears I vowed not to ever take my freedom for granted
Category: Musings
Hour 12 : Closest to a Closet
things I kept to myself leave a message after the beep
Hour 23 prompt
A world not like this In a world not like this, a wondrous dream, A place where rainbows in the sky gleam, The sun’s gentle warmth, a constant embrace, Where raindrops fall, but not a single trace. Trees adorned with fruits, branches bending low, Shrubs…
Hour 10: What is Love?
How to define it when it changes every second? I see love in shapes, I see in circles, squares, rectangles. For me, heart isnt the only symbol of love, what if its a flower with temporary petals? I see love in differences, that…
Hour 22 Prompt
SOMETHING SMELLS NICE Something smells nice Ah it seems to be coming from the rectangular box Hey what is this? Something circular is inside a rectangular box The smell is just mouth-watering, Tomatoes, cheese, capsicums, olives seem to be beckoning me I cannot control myself…
Hour 8 : The Vertical Infinity
When I retire to my bed, the lights remain on. Every night, I look up at the moon, thinking about how it seems like a small pool into which I may fall. I recall school trips and slices of chilled meats, as well as money…
Hour & : Sarees and Survival
The foundation of enduring craft, Cotton sarees create rich narratives with a legacy steeped in history, Stories abound in the tale of their fabric. Cotton sarees convey tales, with a dynamic colour palette; not to be outdone, they proudly carry traditions on display,…
Hour 6 : Betwen the pages of everyday
In this flat setting, humans, like letters, stand out. Perspective accounts are being written all throughout the country. Settlements are like punctuation marks where lives collide, like the rivers and mountains, the ancient ink of the Earth. Huge oceans, and an ink-black sea, shroud a multitude…
ABANDONED Abandoned thoughts Unloved,unprotected,unkind I seek freedom Abandoned needs Unhungry, unthirsty, unfit I seek belonging Abandoned feelings Uncertain, unchained, undoubtful I seek out my identity Endlessly