
A school trip becomes an escape to get lost in my favorite place Crispy leaves crunching under foot Birds fly over head that like to avoid the city The chill in the air is perfect for the apple picking season The scent of the cider…

front porch

I asked my ten year old niece what I should write my next poem about she told me to look at the dragonfly as it flirted by she hopes that her best friend Aubrey is in the same fifth grade class as her she asked…

Poem #4 Pain -j.r.m©

I broke, I struggled, I strove until, I reached the other side. pain, it changed me forever. Pain never lets go of you, it always has a tight grip  on your wrists to remind  you how real, reality is.  My demons befriended pain, they conquered…

See Life

Take control of your Joy Let no one destroy it Inner peace is the key Hold on tight and don’t quit jj2017

Prompt #3

Smile wide, shoulders straight, stand tall, hands on your hips, chin high.  gaze low. Walk like you have everything going for you  right here in this moment, All eyes on you. Sit with your legs folded, nod politely, speak only when spoken to, tie your…

Prompt #2 Prompt #2 Your beauty, broken down nakedness became the garment clothing your skin. You didn’t cower in your shadow you came into the light revealing soul and truth. Vulnerability is your armour now. You stand straight and tall and you refused to succumb to…

The Trick

As it turns out it was all a dream Heaven is a place that we called a ghetto We woke up to find only the weak survived They are the ones that learned to depend and never worry Jokes on you! Only the peacekeepers and…


The unsaid The unresolved The unhappening It rankles Like a pebble caught in the bloodstream. Screaming yelling Why don’t you get it It’s so simple.   Weaving webs To the stars Back & forth From the pebble to the dotted sky Hanging forever on this…


Whether you desire it or concede it You can’t love it but life needs it I only seek it so I can give Or do I seek it for the life I live I love life, so I must have it to exist My heart…

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