Prompt hour 24

Text Prompt Write a poem that starts and ends with the same word. It can be short, but it has to be at least five lines long. If you can’t think of your own word to start and end with here are my suggestions: hope,…

Text Prompt -Poem 24 Hope

Hope Hope for the best in all situations If anyone has told me I would finish the 24 hour marathon I lost hope when I took a nap I came back on and could not find the publish button I did not give up but…

Tiny Dog Healing

Ensconced in my recliner Recovering from surgery My constant companion snuggles in A tiny brown dog Determined to not leave me alone Is happy to have ear scratches And encouraging words to let them up in my lap Napping often with me As my body…

The Hallway of Life

“A long corridor, Filled with doors aplenty, Each door hides a different room to enter, And a new world to explore, You shan’t return from a room, But further explore till the end of the great hallway is reached, But till then the search for…

Heart Home

I walked through the green doors and was immediately embraced An old friend had spotted me through the window and raced to the spot to be the first to greet me My heart swelled having not see him in years So many things had happened…

Venus de Milo as a Tree

The tree trunk twisted counter-clockwise Thick bark spiraling upwards Age tired branches above Tended to finally fail under the weight of rain It reminded everyone of the Venus de Milo Twisting in the same direction Old beyond what anyone could fathom Having seen more than…

Night chnges

Hour – 13 Isn’t it beautiful The way night changes Isn’t it soulful the way the sun shines Still, sometimes I feel uneasy, Often I get distressed What made me this cold thinking about every night Everything changing so fast seeing the days pass my…


I didn’t know if I would find you I wasn’t sure either Were you hurt? Yes But let’s not discuss this now I missed you And I you I need you close to me I am here

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