A Most Excellent Trip

The black and white television screen flashes to a bald man The color of his suit is a bright blue and with a blink of his eye, I fall forward into the glass of my Hennessy colored table Purple and turquoise fog clouds my eyes…

16 – metamorphosis

the land was quiet, in the sense that no man made noise, erupted from within, only the footfall of one small child, with the voice of bird, yet no feathers adorned her bony arms, she searched for a nest close to the ground, for the…

Road To Broadway [Prompt 20]

Child of the Arts… Dance classes … Felt like a star; in tap shoes and leotard! Begged parents to make a star… move to California? No! Mom sings opera. I hate opera. Joined the theatre… Fell in love, with theatre, of course! Mom said, “You…

Planning on the Go

You’ve done nothing! You know how important this is to me, to us. Yet nothing is done. Don’t say anything! Not to me. I don’t want your Platitudes and hypocrisy. I want schedules, reservations. Dammit! I want itineraries. People have driven for CENTURIES Without GPS….


Have a crazy bunch of people around me Who care for me in every special way!! Feels just yesterday, we started off together on the path, Who knew, we would be as we are today! I look back.. Years gone by, I now see in…

The Queen of Hearts (hour 16)

The Queen of Hearts never wanted children but when she met Alice, she knew. She had spent a lifetime making mistakes, cheating on her husband, and eating too much, but what was she to do during those spells of emptiness? The Queen had to find…

Prompt 20, Hour 16

I want you to write a poem about a journey, a literal or metaphorical one, but you cannot use the word journey or trip in the poem.

Prompt 18: The Beginning

“You egotistical bastard, this ain’t about you.” “Of course it’s not, it’s always about you. You selfish bitch.” Two daughters, stood off to the side Twins Hiding in the darkness Listening to their parents fight once again “Wanna play a game?” The first twin asked…


In the beginning out of the vast emptiness of space the Creator created heat with the fast rubbing of hands then a large clap and all civilization began the earth evolved and creation took over they sought to mimic the Creator in creation but greed…

H2Oh Won’t You Be Mine?

An element or certainly two Floating past one another In the vast watery landscape Interacting through electrons Chemicals that form complex attractions Each second, numerous connections That lead to large, diverse compounds A marvelous broth to nourish the future Life will arrive soon Maybe in…