Prompt for Hour Five

Write a persona poem. A persona poem is when you write from the perspective of someone else; e.g. not your own perspective. That person can be imagined, or someone you know personally, or alternatively the poem can be from the perspective of a famous individual….

Prompt for Hour Four

Write a poem that belongs to a specific genre, ie: a science fiction poem, a fantasy poem, a romance poem, etc. . . Feel free to use cliches, or subvert them!

Prompt for Hour Three

Write a poem about fishing. It doesn’t matter if you have never been fishing before. The poem must contain at least three lines that involve fishing. Everything else is up to you.

Prompt for Hour Two

Write a poem that contains at least three of following five phrases. “good morning” “be honest” “treasure island” “soft moonlight” “after hours”

Prompt For Hour One

Good Morning (or afternoon, or evening, depending on your time zone) poetry marathoners. Below is your first prompt. Feel free to use it now, come back to it later, or ignore it entirely. Good Luck! Your first prompt is to write a poem set entirely…

Prompt for Poem Twenty Four

This is the very last hour and the very last prompt. I am so impressed by everyone that made it this far! The last prompt is very simple – write a self portrait.

Prompt for Hour Twenty

We are in the home stretch! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Your prompt is to write a poem that contains a metaphor involving food. The metaphor could be an aside or it could be the focus of the poem. The choice…