Prompt for Hour Seven

Text Prompt: Every year I made sure to include at least one formal poem. The viator is a poetic form invented by Robin Skelton. I first encountered it as part of Robert Lee Brewer’s Writer’s Digest Poetic Forms Friday series. It’s a pretty simple form…

hour 5

imagine earths’ edge far off horizon defined end sharp corners, hard lines a tipping point    what’s over the side? all the other earth’s this one could’ve been    if this were a different world different humans different histories different systems  different beliefs  different theories…

Silent Witnesses

We walked by a statue every day for a hundred days never knowing what lay inside   We walked over a bridge every day for two hundred days never knowing what lay beneath   We walked under a tree every day for three hundred days…

Hour 6

the medieval faithful believed Spain’s Cape Finisterre was the end of the world and to sail beyond that horizon was to fall off the very face of the earth I stand on the rocky shore and feed the strands of my mother’s hair to the…

Zeus is a Jerk

Plato said, Once we were whole four arms, four legs, and two heads We had long conversations with ourselves and assisted each other in daily life We were never alone   But then Zeus (the actual reason for 90% of drama in Greek mythology) threw…

Swan Lake – Hour Six

Swan Lake Swan Lake for some is but a dance But, here, it is vacation A camping trip that at a glance Yields rest and relaxation Picturesque hints of crystal blue Meet up with forest green A break from life, a fond adieu From all…

Frozen Union (a nonet) – Hour 4, Prompt 4

In an ice-covered cube they move, two vows bind their love, like frost entwined lovely she, dashing he, find this frozen space, like minds hold and have, rich, poor death may tap door but their ice lives on strong.   – Sandra Johnson, 9/2/23  

Prompt six – Conversations with God

Prompt for Hour Six – Text Prompt The earth is actually flat, you look over the edge and what do you see? Describe it.   Conversations with God   Should have been the stuff of nightmarish fright. But strangely it wasn’t, it felt right, as…

Where the Earth Ends

“Where the Earth Ends”   who am I to say if the the earth is flat ~ or not, for   I’ve only seen the sandy shores, with its white foamy edges   I’ve not been beyond  that blue horizon   I’ve found rocky ledges…

As Ought To Be…. Like one in a dark cell having a peep at the faraway dawning of another day, I see the world just as it ought to be. Straight as our dealings with each other,no intellectual robbery in the guise of colonialism. Every…

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