Pizza #2023poetrymarathon #prompthour22

We were never alike in many ways, but we managed a semblance of common ground at least where it counts… I like spinach and Ricotta cheese with buttered garlic sprinkled on top. While you have your pepperoni steaming hot, straight from the box. Will you…

Shirred Eggs

In ramekin place a butter base so thin to feel like silk. And then esteem a leafy green, like spinach, just to wilt. The oven’s heat let it meet and make a sort of bowl. And sprinkle thus some fennel dust, and salt to heal…

H22.P22 – Birthday Dinner

Hot pizza Cold pizza With a whole lot of cheese Pepperoni Salami Bacon Pineapple Onion And tomato paste 1 pizza 2 pizza A slice or 2 or 3 Dessert pizza Banana Caramel chocolate sauce and cream Yummy pizza for my birthday tea.

Toddler – Hour Twenty-Two

Toddler She loved three things alone: Peanut butter, cheeseburgers And chocolate milk She dislikes three: Vegetables, clean up And bedtime And she’s just like me

Hour 22 image prompt – Silence Silencio

On the corner late at night I listen and I hear it. Purr and grimble Hiss and fight And I’d rather not come near it. But I prefer this to silence silencio A verb, request, a noun Silence Silencio Adjective and found To be most…

Pizza Stop

I sit in my car at the intersection of Mitchell and Pine Smells of pizza fill the air. Seriously, WTF? On one side of the street pizza by the slice. A buck a slice. I’m so serious I want to swear right now. When school…

Hour 22 text prompt – Pizza

Round and many circles Cut into triangles or squares I really love my pizza From Greco-Roman chairs Perfect in simplicity Pizza from the city Cooked in gas or electricity Tastes great and looks pretty And while cheese can be a mess While bread can leave…

Prompt Twenty-one – Captain Haddock Dunning

Hour Twenty-one – Text Prompt Write a poem that starts and ends with the word running.   Captain Haddock Dunning   Running a tight ship like he was wont to do, Barking command till he was blusterly blue. Poor old Captain Haddock Dunning The men were…

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