I Should Have Said Yes

(for hour 21—from the say “yes” prompt of hour 15)   I should have said yes   Anger I’d not seen that in my grandparents before Too young to understand toxins and kidney function It surprised me when Grandma snapped back at him Fussiness did…

#21- An Ode on Reading

Taking me to different universes My own personal medium of transport Books whisk me a way leaving nothing behind Heart of mine racing   I love them so with all of my heart and soul Reading always makes me feel like I am home Affiliated…

Ode to My Camera

My faithful friend My second set of eyes You serve as my memory A buffer when one is needed The historian of the family You keep and tell stories. I honor you. Stay close by You never know when I might need you.

self-portrait of a people-pleaser

to look at me is to look at a two-way mirror from the closed side see only your face looking slightly wrong but still yours while I stand on the other side frantically trying to maintain the illusion   love yourself and you will love…

An Ode to Holy Writings

When a man wakes with the yearning of a lad for breast milk, he sucks whatever looks like a nipple. This is not me even though this poems says I’m hungry for holy writings, for solid food. Lead not to my abode, the clergy who…

Ode to Smith

You are the reason seasons of my life move sans treason. Had we not met; if you had not met me, and shared knowledge of God and the Bible, week-in, week-out for aeon, would make a different story. Wouldn’t have replicated the knowledge. Talk about…

Solitude – Hour Twenty One

All alone in the quiet, while others are sleeping I sit and I softly reflect My life is so blessed, my heart filled with such pride For these blessings I’ve so much respect I am living a life I never thought could be With a…