Poem 4, Prompt 16

In the cradle of Morpheus he draws breath like a piglet Snorts dainty as frost and innocent as bud Within his cocoon he transforms in endless cycle Now a lycanthrope with throat-noise akin to beast Zeal-juice trickles down the cheek of the shapeshifter From his…

H.16 – Heart

I hear you as you travel inside me. Our scent lingers on my skin, infusing me with memories. My tongue washes you, gentle strokes, all at once hungry and full, I feel quiet in your arms, resting in your thoughts, dreams shared. I am smiling,…

Prompt 16: Food is the Language

You knew how to seduce me, who before we met called carrots and hummus dinner. Our first meal was at a Korean restaurant and introduced me to your quietly competitive nature when it came to declaring victories over flavors and the tongue you would share…

Prompt #16: Love and Affection

It is everlasting, Growing and evolving over time. It has a softness that is always comforting And a strength unmatched by challenged. It is desired by many, Found by few, And deserved by all.


NO, NO: SEATTLE TO LONDON                                         (response to prompt 15) Wherever else would we be asked to sleep within two inches – maybe less – of someone we’d just met? These flights aren’t   called long haul for nothing.  They try the patience, even pre-Covid….

Flower in Bloom

Come, my flower is in full bloom My field is ripe for harvest I’m lost. Come, lead me out of this maze Lead me to your phase Lead me to the highest of high Lead me to your magic voyage Come, I’m ready Cannot wait…

More than Words

Are you warm enough? Make sure you have some broccoli. I saw this in the store and it reminded me of you. You’re welcome. Would you like a back rub? You look tired. Do you want to talk about it. I’m here for you. Count…

Prompt #15: I Just Can’t Fly

Flying, the mode of travel glamorized by songs of yesteryear Today, is dreaded by many. As exciting as it is to climb through the skies, Far above the clouds, To leave behind one’s reality, The concept of leaving the ground Can feel like a flying…

Flight Talk

Atlanta, London, Greece and back To London, Boston, ATL Then, thanks to my friend, C. Black, We flew to LAX, as well In all the lands I’ve ever been, There’s never been a man like you My birthday-neighbor-lovely-djinn Unnerving friend; respectful, true Serendipities may mark…

Poem 3, Prompt 15

I once took a flight to Romania Intending to see Transylvania But the plane didn’t land In the country as planned And I wound up back home in Tasmania