hour twelve

the moon looks into the lake checking something I also check in a ladies’ room at parties a morning glory climbs the fence in a panic someone has a spare tire to give me

hour eleven

You told me you were a traveller alone on your road from time to time from gig to gig you’d make new friends then lose them then make others I wished I coul accompany you but I had some other life held back by it…

Poem Twenty-One ~ Dear Zachary

Dear Zachary, I promised I wouldn’t make a poem like this, after Hailey made her’s, but I feel like I kind of have to? I owe you these words. Zachary, I started hormones recently. Only about two months ago now. We had no idea that…


I have known women who could be classified as animals; tigers, panthers, mama bears. Fortunately I never dated a snake and avoided most of the cougars.   Most. There were others who were cat-like, reflexively, flexibly, stealthy. Fiesty. Or exotic creatures.   As a younger…

Sorry, Not Sorry

Oh you want my cooperation Pardon me, I have an obligation To define me and my situation Use my free will and imagination To be unique me, not an imitation So no, you can’t have my dedication

Love ~poetess

My dearest Mandy,   You’ve come through so much clouded hell. Through darkness, you’ve learned to love In the light, over looking mountains of perceptions. In limited realities.   Footprints on the shore, leaving your imprints Washed away By the sands of time   You…

Update 2016

Dear Anne, I suppose it’s time for my yearly update, there has been very little change, genocide, taking new shape in political discourse, “foreign policy,” “national security,” buzz words feeding bodies to the buzzards, people live in terror, just different communities of people, many breaths…

hour ten

I see their grace in every step the way they glide along the streets in town the way they walk across the fences and jump over on my windowsill the cats in town never sleep at night

Childhood Pet

Gina had a little dog and Brownie was his name Remember Mary’s lamb that went to school? Well Brownie did the same He wasn’t smart or good for tricks And was quite past his prime But he was there to pick herĀ up each day As…

Dear Santa Claus

Dear Santa Claus, You selfish and outrageous capitalist. You prey on hopes and dreams like A leopard preys on the children whose Dreams and hopes you’re built upon. You fascist pig of a concept, deliverer Of jealousy and anguish every year. Every year someone gets…