An Extra Book

Have to make the note simple; Can’t make too many mistakes. She already embarrassed Her clothes ain’t clean. Maybe I should have argued harder To get the landlord to let us in, But I’m so tired, her brother and sister So hungry, I just didn’t…

Two brown eyes and two floppy ears

A discarded eyeball next to the bookcase A fluffy arm in a sunbeam A half chewed stuffed mascot under the couch   A tail dancing at the door’s first creak A pair of brown butter eyes keen gaze on the street An eager dance partner…

My stormy disposition

I am under the weather, a vicissitude of life. My mood, is in disagreeable with climate change. My warm and sunny personality has something to do with climatic condition And the planet atmospheric position. I have to weather my mood, when I have occasional showers…

Where the Wind Blows Me

It is time again, Time to go out and change my place To change my patch and scratch that itch That itch that comes on the wind It is time again, To travel past Grandport, Past Granport and maybe even Latch Latching on isn’t something…

Soup for S*&^S

Oh your flavor is ever so tasty Beef Pork Oriental Though my preference is fowl I will not balk at the latter Except for Shrimp How disgusting Despite my reservation for the shellfish With any other I am most selfish Now don’t mistake my relish…


You are the one I adore.. Love you the most. You are the one I care for the most. You are my world.. My happiness.  My strength and no thank you will ever be enough.


I am here but you can’t see me. I know you can’t If you could see me You’d see a mother child In need of love, true love And you would not leave me here, in the dark, without food, on the cold…hard…ground. You say…

You’re There for Me

Your heart is gold, your friendship true I’m glad you’re in my life You care deeply for those held dear Even when you’re fraught with strife You’ve gone through your own highs and lows You’ve been a rock through mine Our friendship always remains true…