Hour 12, Prompt 15: The Beautiful Moon

When we had got ready,       the Moon met us and commanded us     to allies; she benefits you all,                         openly.   for the moonlight is beautiful.


Caged Bird BY MAYA ANGELOU A free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips his wing in the orange sun rays and dares to claim the sky. But a bird that stalks down his narrow…


I lost myself along the way somewhere. Most people around me didn’t care. Or maybe they didn’t notice at all that I seemed headed for a fall. I took myself down to the water’s edge. Immersed in the depths of my regret. Absolved myself in…

Unheard [7 – #song]

A girl and a guy walk into a bar like the start of some bad joke. There’s some country-pop-Americana band playing in the corner under the Bud Light sign and no one dancing on the parquet. It’s the best summer of his life, only he doesn’t…

Letter to My Fat Self

If only you knew I wish you could understand The power behind self love And your preciousness despite size Yes, you will take a lot of shit Grateful for scraps and tidbits From lovers who could never measure to your grace or wit or presence…

Prompt #11 Letter To My Former Self

Dear 20 year old Janice,  Not much has changed huh? Insecurities still going strong. This letter is going to be a mix of everything, regrets, advice, hopes and aspirations.. I hope you remember to smile often,  And practice Kindness.. Be kind to yourself as well…

Dear Little Gina

Dear precious little Gina Never saying a word Then scream at the top of the stairs Just trying to be heard. Dear pretty little Gina The world will work out fine. In spite of how it seems The smiles will come with time. Dear precocious…

Stairway from Sadness

Jeez brother, why are you so sad? We get it, you’re growing up We get it, it’s strange and weird We get it, you’re leaving but why? Why are you sad? You’re about to enter that part of the Indie movie Where the character sits…

Dear Baby Rach

Dear baby Rach, It really was OK for you to come when you did be who you were to get to who you are. Which is me now. It doesn’t really matter if it was a shock when you arrived. And you didn’t mean to…

Dear Little Girl

poem 11 Dear little girl in a broken world that is fighting to dim your starlight, don’t let them hurt you or steal your joy just love them and show them what Christ’s like. -h.e.m.