Prompt #11 Letter To My Former Self

Dear 20 year old Janice, 

Not much has changed huh?
Insecurities still going strong.

This letter is going to be a mix of everything, 
regrets, advice, hopes and aspirations..

I hope you remember to smile often, 
And practice Kindness..
Be kind to yourself as well as towards others.
You are doing a good job. 
You are such a strong and brave young woman. 
You inspire me. 
I haven't been as strong as I was when I was 20. 
Fighting for your life, 
Hanging onto a very thin thread, 
and the unpredictability of your health condition.
You handled it gracefully and the best you could.

Sure you missed out on a great deal 
of normal things kids at 20 do, but, 
that's okay. Looking back I recall it 
being an adventure of a lifetime. 

I wish you could have appreciated 
your parents and acknowledged 
the sacrifices mum pulled in for you. 
Dad worked tirelessly to pay 
the surmounting hospital bills and 
Wendy grew up without any assistance.

Have a little patience, 
It's okay to fail,
Love yourself.
Believe in yourself. 
Stay true to yourself. 

The future is bright 
and all of this will be 
over you, just be patient, 
Hang on,
the struggle isn't over,
There's more struggle coming along...
you still got fight left in you
give it your best shot. 

Don't worry, 
Let go, 
You don't need to be in control of every situation. 

Not everyone is going to agree with you and like you
but that's okay.
Not everyone is going to understand you, 
that's fine. 
Don't sell yourself short
Never ever compromise on your self worth.
Remember some people are assholes 
there's not much you can do about that.

Love from the future.

-Janice Raquela Mendonca  
IMAGE BY Motoki Tonn

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