
Taking form of chaos, the outcome is peace, seems like a wrench thrown in reality. Taking form of chaos, water into wine, weddings always blow the mind. Taking form of chaos, walking on water, crowded boats are a bother. Taking form of chaos, Red sea…


Delusion Our reflection,a misleading fantasy, True acceptance of ourselves,betray. Face the truth,go out of your comfort zone, Stop daydreaming before you’ll get drown.

Soul mate

Soul mate, mirror image,supernatural Inexplicable soul,blinded… A cynical.  


My branches reach out My roots are grounded But there is no more room   I am aching to stretch To reach, to dance But resolved, restricted, bound   Restless is the word Constricted, non- growing, dying Rocking, to break the pot  

Petit Larceny

Everything Is as Nothing   Getting Is as Giving   Cursing Is as Caring   The difference Is as The division  

One More Bite

Just One More Tiny Bite. And I am heavier than before In underwear too tight to bear. A closet full of pretty clothes, Designs I used to wear. I Was So Fair! But wine and burgers Fries and steaks In those few moments Merry make…

Hour Fifteen

Write a poem that has a chance of being very meaningful to someone you are very close to, or someone you want to be close to. ——————————————————————————————————————- Gone from all we were together we sat at night watching the same moon.

work to make it work, and you can make it through, only forming dust into chalk?

Bad Habit

Tearing bits and pieces, shredding thin slivers of flesh. Nervous tension, stop holding my breathe.   No feeling only numbness, swollen skin exposed beneath, not to mention, keep grinding my teeth.   Mouth starts bleeding, salty sting, surrounding smile, guessin’ healings, gonna take awhile.  

In July

You whose eyes I knew at once As eyes are windows to the soul a face familiar as my own from when we met so long ago soul mates you may have more than one good friends are soul mates too though our “ship” is…

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