
Me and Etta James singing, moaning, pain anew humming the true blues.


Within comes honesty Be honest Be true to yourself After hours When you sit alone Pondering and wondering Starring at what is to be cal led Soft moonlight

sylvan moments in a dark lair beneath the flowered tree a hidden place a lonely place. i told myself about those imagined people living here gloomy elves, forgetful dwarfs, hard working royalty clothed in woolen, hoods disguising astonishing loveliness, perceptive wisdom, beholden to witches who…

Good Morning 2/24

Saying “Good Morning” Is not always cool… To be honest, the saying Can make one feel like a fool… Before the Age of Technology We stayed home after hours And community gatherings Were humanity’s power… “Good Morning” was only Used when it was true But…

prompt two

Moonlight. Moonlight.Soft moonlight. Soft moon’s light. After hours Industrial parks, Forlorn streets Of lost towns, And the coal-harsh shores of sharp, Melt down into The blues and mauves Of treasure island groves.

Fighting the evil

An example of how Irish banks do business When they should have been on their knees Begging the Irish peoples forgiveness For the harm they did to our economy   In Ulster bank they devised a way Introducing an evil new monthly charge That big…

Retaining Wall (hour 2)

I’m a simple man who’s easily hurt. I been stepped on ridiculed treated like dirt. I give all of me but it’s never enough, you all want more so I keep going as I huff and I puff. I want to be respected, is that…

Listen: Terzanelle

Your birth and you, in your mouth a silver spoon. Your mama held and cradled you for the best. For you, she would walk our celestial moon. With her love, you grew a gold crown on your crest, But never thanked her for her time…