To my darling
My dearest sleep
Dear Sleep
To Sleep –
I hope this note finds you well. I believe it is time for us
to be on the same page regarding our needs and desires.
It is my goal that this note better communicates to you
my part in our relationship, and how I respond to your
part of our relationship.
Our conflict began early, when you gave me my first
hypnogogic hallucination when I was five years old.
It was in the afternoon, I was tired. I saw the kitchen
erupt into fire! Terrified, I ran through the flames for
my mother’s help, not noticing that I felt no heat from
the conflagration. Upon our return, the flames were gone!
Nothing was on fire. I was confused. Mom scolded me
for lying. I needed a nap.
The cataplexy erupted ten years later. I was trying to live
with severe insomnia, nightmares and night terrors,
sleepwalking, sleep talking, automatic behavior and more.
Suddenly I was collapsing at the knees with laughter or tears.
Then I fell out of the shower, hit my head on the toilet,
knocked myself unconscious. I know you remember that!
I would soon learn that I was a perpetual “FALL RISK.”
DIAGNOSIS: Type 1 Narcolepsy, aka Narcolepsy with Cataplexy
A neurologically based sleep disorder, autoimmune in nature
So! Here we are, Sleep, my deeply disordered life partner…
I must be honest with you. I am frustrated. I am often angry!
I have been cheated by you; cheated out of childhood, education,
friends, love, travel, career, family… You have cheated me
so many times! I did not consent to this relationship with you.
I am forever chained to you, freedom never wholly mine.
I am at your mercy. You have stolen from me.
You have made me undesirable…
My Disordered Sleep,
you are the worst bedfellow a girl would never ask for!
Could we please discuss a separation?
It has been decades and I really need a break.
Thank you.
Talk soon
I hate you
Your Life Partner (me)
So creative!!!
Thank you! I guess it’s a poem?