The Midas touch hast made me eternal,
Such is thy pleasure and fillest my soul
Brimming with freshness of life.
At the enigmatic touch of thy hands
My lil, bleak heart loses its limits
In ecstasy and gives birth to utterance ineffable.
Thy Pandora gifts, though days pass and,
Still pourest and still there is room to fill.
I lil know how sing, my Sweets, but
Thy deep brown eyes speak in silent amazement.
Thy sparkling eyes illumine my world.
The holy gaze of our deep rooted love breaks
Though all social bondings and rushes on.
Thou hast captive my heart in the web of thy circle, my master!
Thy living touch upon all my limbs,
Have rendered my body so pure.
Shall keep the truth hidden, till the
End of life, as the kindled reason in my mind.
I plea for a moment’s occupancy to search thy side.
Tete-e-tete and dedicate our life in overflowing leisure.
Shunning away all burdens, I bow to thee,
Where thou keepest company, my desires from thee
Are many and has been wrought through and through.
24×7 I languidly wander in dreams for search of thee
By my side, an uncertain desire, keenly awaiting for thee
To shower thyself into my wide open arms.
Sweets you fill my soul wit thy silence.
Thy perfect sweetness had blossomed
In the depth of my heart!
Oh! My Sweets, the gates of the Direction’s heart
Are opine for thee; I implore thee to
pass like an unfathomable dream.