Hour 1: Researcher

Wasn’t I born for my profession?
Search and seize have been my forte
Ever since I have been an imp.
Would catch a cockroach or two
Examine them minutely
Wondered why they breathed their last in my hands
Garden flies, butterflies, hot kitchen vessels
Nothing escaped my attention.
Grew up to be a Pharma chemist.
I killed more mice than the cancer that we grew on them
Colorful medicinal compounds would I make
And dose them on the poor critters.
Miserable they were but they did teach me
Those also serve that wait and hope
In all earnestness noble was my profession
Overfive decades of dedicated work
Many a medicaments have I developed
They are but a disappearing drop
In the ocean of knowledge that still lays uncovered

3 thoughts on “Hour 1: Researcher

  1. Wow, Dr., what a fascinating career, and how you have managed to capture so many aspects of it in this short poem. Those last two lines are so incredible–I love the humility that you have after five decades to know there is so much more to be discovered. Beautiful poem.

    1. So nice of you. This is actually inspired by a quote attributed to Sir Isaac Newton. He says: ” I am a like a child wandering on the shores of a beach , now and then discovering an interesting pebble or two, while the vast ocean of knowledge lays uncovered before me.” ( not an exact quote)

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