The Ruse

A spearmint wind speaks my name to darkness,
“Let us make her think he wants her, desperately!”

“Lamb impaled upon lettuce?”

“Let us traaaaace it all back,” eyes drool oily spice
as lust inverts its greed, hot to the mind of myth.

“So foolish be Persephone to escape the dead land!”
it snarled, slithering in mephitic stench.

“Murimuria needs a queen.” agreed a mindless mole,
“Lettuce! Stay in the present day.”

“Vegan moth balls in a light chimichurri,” offered an
overdressed snail of kitchen funk, its slime melting
into the verdant pool of sludge.

“If Earth2Joy becomes herself, I cannot consume mankind!”
it rasped, “So, tell me, top one, did she accept?”

“No, oh gloriously fetid one, she declined,” sighed the mole,
“Fortunately, I was unable to convince him to attend either.”

“She cannot approach, she cannot approach!” squawked a one eyed parrot,
hanging upside down from a volcanic arch.

“I know that, Noshbag! Om Namo Shivaya!”

“Once upon a time! Once upon a time! Squaaawk!”

“White chocolate covered crickets in a short moose earwax crème anglais.”

“Shut up! The script is written around the premise of her grief!
The Oracle of Delphi says she will find him. She shall approach him,
thinking he sent her those stupid love songs.”

“And then? And then, oh putrid one?”

“The men in my pocket will take her to ….”

“To the funny farm, where life is happy and all is gay,
hoo hoo, ha ha, hee, hee, ho, ho.”

Credit “They’re Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!” by Jerry Samuels, 1966

The white ferret shall chase its tail around a black and gold pillar.
As above, so below. So it is, and so it shall be.

“Shut up! SHUT UP! There is no funny farm!” he snarled,
wings ablaze in dragon fire. “There is no farm! Anywhere!”

“Uh, excuuuuuse me, oh great pestilence of earth,” choked the cock
emerging from a broken marble throne, “you wear no pants.”

“So….?” It hissed.

“Therefore, you have no pockets.”

“Altoid, anyone?”

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