Thank you, Friends and Enemies,
for the kind words and not-so-kind words
Thank you, Tear Ducts for the tear dam
Thank you Work, for making me the busiest ever
Thank you Kins and Relatives, for the realization
and pats not on the back but on the head
Thank you, 6-Hour Sleep, for coming back, welcome!
Thank you Rah Rah girls and boys, for crying with me,
for upliftment, for believing in me, for egging me on, prodding me
Thank you, Prayers, for being there for me,
for being my constant communicator,
for being my instrument to talk to Him,
and, Thank You, most especially to You, for inculcating in me
that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel
and yeah, there is not just a light but BLAZING LIGHT!
thanks to You, all of you.