Mythical Haiku (2022 Poem 17)

On warm rocks, basking
Tail in sea water, swishing
Combing long red hair

Leaving clothes behind
Run freely, earth under paws
Bright white moon looms low

Rainbows shimmering
Cobbled shoes in pots of gold
Here, please hold my beer

(Prompt: “Write a poem that involves a mythical monster in some capacity, whether it’s as a side character, a prop, a villain or even the protagonist.” – contributed by Bhasha Dwivedi.)

4 thoughts on “Mythical Haiku (2022 Poem 17)

    1. Thank you, I was trying to imagine I was them: Mermaid. Werewolf. Leprechaun. (All mythical, though not all monsters; I guess I kind of lost the thread of the prompt mid-mythical-monster-research!) 🙂

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