The reflection, looking back, resemble a Unicorn.
The grandchild that adores Unicorns saw it too.
Often, in moments of crisis the words, “I am Not a Unicorn” could be heard but still magic would happen.
When you are rare, you are a Unicorn. Don’t even try to favor even the most beautiful horse.
When you are remarkable at heart, you are a Unicorn, of course.
When you make the world around you brighter and change the course of their day; you are showing your Unicorn magic in every way.
When your smile shields your tears your Unicorn qualities shine through.
When you are are Unicorn, even when they wrong you, love is what you do.
When you face the day as though winning is the only thing to be done, being a Unicorn is helpful because it makes the challenge fun.
In this day and age it doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or a girl,
Just be a Unicorn each day to unify for a better world.
jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon
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