Dear Divorcing Cindy,
You are heartbroken right now
Lost, alone, aching
Contemplating your whole future
Wallowing in every mistake
every missed piece of evidence
Every lie he told has become your darkness
It isn’t. that’s him not you
I know this hurts
Your core is shaken
All you believed before
Doesn’t apply now.
Your humanity is lost
But you will survive this
Better, you will be stronger
You will be able to love and be loved
So many lovely things in store for you
He won’t be back, I know you want him to be
But you will see that’s best
You will find greater love
Love that doesn’t lie or steal
Love you don’t have to fight for
Love that washes over you when you look in his eyes
There will be better times
Better places
This time will end up meaning so much
Because your growth is enormous
You will find strength from despair
Happiness from your weaknesses
You will see the world
In a whole new light
Don’t give up
Don’t give in to the despair
Hold your head high
And walk away proud
My heart aches for the younger Cindy. She must have gone through a lot.
Pain precipitates
Growth, like roots formed in ashes
Life from destruction