Other worlds #2023poetrymarathon #prompthour23

The sun rises mainly to the north and sets again after 40 hours in the east.

There are delicious little green berries that we pick with sticky fingers

and cram into our mouths like there is no tomorrow. The moons are bloody orbs

of delight, we celebrate when they come together and align in a straight line.

There are fine musicians and there are no human travellers. All of us wander

and none of us are lost. We live in peace not fighting over caste or Gods

because we do not have any. Everyone speaks in song, not the lilting voice of women

but the soft woofs of dogs and wolves.  Or what you call dogs anyway.

the oceans are clear and the skies are full of stars, we have no need for phones

and computers for we live in peace to each its own. Let me return home?


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