- Rise up lovers. Take not one another’s hands but your love’s.
- Only then will you find the happiness you seek in your hearts.
- A man must know the passion of being a spouse, a parent, and a lover on equal terms that their lovers are.
- After all, was that not the argument of Adam and Lilith? Was it not decided then that both must be faithful?
- No, friends. Apparently, it has not. Men have a reputation of insensitivity and a lack of passion. But,
- Come the dawn, the romantics will rise like a great wave and prove this to be false. Terrible beasts we are not.
- Everyone has someone they are meant to be with. Show the world of what sort of love we are fond.
A tribute to Ralph Waldo Emerson,
One of the truest romantics and academics in literature.
“Love’s hearts are faithful, but not fond…” – Celestial Love
This is lovely work. The “A” for “M” did throw me a bit off but, otherwise, really beautiful. Great tribute to Emerson.