Twisted words weave webs of deceit,
a trap for the unsuspecting flies of the public.
When I think of the world in terms of predators and prey,
I have to ask myself which would I prefer to be.
The Spider?
The Fly?
Or the Web.
24 Poems ~ 24 Hours
Twisted words weave webs of deceit,
a trap for the unsuspecting flies of the public.
When I think of the world in terms of predators and prey,
I have to ask myself which would I prefer to be.
The Spider?
The Fly?
Or the Web.
Such a clever and thought-provoking piece of writing. It makes me stop to consider who the predators are – and who the prey. The last line is a kicker, though; thirty years ago, our perception of The Web would’ve been directly linked with the physicality of the spider – but now we consider the ‘post truth’ Internet and all the lies told there. Love this!
Wow! Thanks for the added web as internet consideration
Like that question.
It makes you sit and think about each choice in relation to each other in a manner that opens the understand of preditor and prey