“Changes leads to goodbye”

Changes leads to goodbye,

For the first time in September,

I worried on where I’m going,

On what I’m after,

On where I was before,

I worried on everything that happened.

And happens simultaneously.

It’s like a tapestry of events,

Happening once more.


They say, it all leads me to open doors.

Changes leads to goodbye,

I have accepted the fact before I turned thirty,

That I would be chasing time,

Again, and again and again,

Slowly, or maybe running fast as I can,

I’ll maybe out of breath

Or losing it before I reach the end.


Life is a hard game to play,

Ironically, it will lead to our fated place,

Changes leads to goodbye,

Even it hurts sometimes,

Breaks us repeatedly,

But it will take us through,

It will take me to you.


Text Prompt:

Every year I made sure to include at least one formal poem. The viator is a poetic form invented by Robin Skelton. I first encountered it as part of Robert Lee Brewer’s Writer’s Digest Poetic Forms Friday series.

It’s a simple form where the first line is used again as refrain in the second line of the second stanza, and the third line of the third stanza, and so on and so forth depending on how many stanzas you include.


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