box 27 to be exact,
on a road also called Old 31,
I lived there happily for more than
twelve years –
until my Grandfather decided to retire from
the police department and move South;
I was never so upset as to be uprooted from
everything I knew to move two states South,
where people had a drawl that I could barely
almost like moving to a new country;
my Grandmother was not happy to uproot her
Hoosier self and move to Tennessee where the
dirt was red and moved like balls of clay;
nothing smelled better than Indiana dirt.
The move was shock,
but we adjusted and it wasn’t long until our new
life was acclimated and churched.

Michellia D. Wilson 8/14/2015

3 thoughts on “RURAL ROUTE 5

  1. Red dirt moving like balls of clay, acclimated and churched, I feel the south. Reminds me of Patricia Smith describing the south her mother grew up in as “pea shuck” and “slant porch.” Sometimes little words or phrases say so much.

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