Caitlin’s Hair
is a long ladder to her ears,
each rung a wave that follows
not what OSHA rules but
its own curvy direction.
It is a strawberry red umbrella,
a super-thick invisibility cloak
smelling all too wonderful
to hide Caitlin. Caitlin’s hair
is the unhemmed fringe of the world’s
longest pair of jeans
walking through the art gallery
in search of Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus”
or Renoir’s “Young Girl Combing Her Hair”
or works of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
who were the dudes who totally got
Caitlin’s hair. Some say a little mouse
lives in there and hides cheese
under her shirt collars
and swings from hoop earrings
when it’s frisky. It’s a lovely mystery.
(based on image prompt from hour 2)
So creative for describing someone’s hair. Such depth.
It’s my hair!
I love this poem so much! It really made me laugh!
Somehow (I am a very lucky person who knows a lot of poems!) this is not the first poem about my hair, or even the second, but it is 100% my favorite poem about my hair.
There are so many good lines in here, including:
“who were the dudes who totally got
Caitlin’s hair. ”
” Some say a little mouse
lives in there and hides cheese
under her shirt collars”
The thing about this poem — is that it’s actually really good! And not just because I love a certain person’s hair!