#24 FINALE View from the window

Thirty glass panels in a grid make my view a visual quilt of my deck.

The doors has framed the cast gatherings, surprise parties, happy hours and graduation open houses.

The bench, the dining set the chair and ottoman are matching wood, each gifts from my family who know my love of bringing people together.

The flowers have grown leggy in the August heat and this hints at the blowing leaves and eventual snow that will pass these panes in the months ahead.

The lower glass is smudged from where my dog perfects her sorrowful “Little Match Girl” look at us while we gather around the dining room table and share meals,

or I set up temporary camp and write for hours.

It’s where I see my little slice of the world and one of the best vantage points for the world to observe me.

One thought on “#24 FINALE View from the window

  1. Thirty glass panels for you to see the world and then for the world to be able to see you as well. Foremost, I like how you include yourself in this observation. Too often writers are cast as being separate from others, but this experience alone proves how we are connected and active, not removed from the world.

    As for the in between, I enjoy not only the initial description but also the dimensions of family events, your plants, even your pet. You are creating a vivid lively space even if it is still at this particular moment.

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