Your words carry me on.
Through the dark night, under starlight.
The ships in the habour sleeping.
We’re an hour or so from home,
But I don’t notice.
The river is canopied in midnight,
But the conversation drifts us on
A current, I spin under your arm. An eddy.
On into darkness stained with sodium.
We have been dancing.
I’m sure our feet and knees are tired
The clocktower chimes, we start to climb
The hill bejeweled with shop-front signs
We side-step revelers from another world.
And we are all oblivious.
The quiet night is rimmed with trees
And burred with buses’ engines heard
From streets away. You hold my hand
And tell me of exciting plans
I nod, and nod the sleep away.
We’re nearly home.
It’s softer now, though often
We hear sirens call like evening birds
Far far away. I lean against your arm.
You shift your bag to let me.
We awake from some shared reverie
Suddenly, to find the key.
Our stories pausing at the door, and then
Denouements trailing through the corridors,
We find ourselves back home.
Lovely poem.