Summer Letters

Dearest Nana,

My Chateau is warm today
With the shining summer sun
Just in time
For The Poetry Month!

So I write to you this letter
To introduce
Epistolary Poetry
And ask if you will
Write back to me too!

And also to say that
I miss you and
To take a bow to the poetry
You taught me too!

Your Little Girl

Hour 4: Poetry Marathon (Form: Acrostic)

Parade of poets penning an

Occasion of feelings that

Emerge as a fountain,

Treating the mystical words,

Relishing the values that

Yearn towards a faculty which

Manifest the surrounding and

Accolades as fruits, ripen

Round the clock

Actively castling ideas

Through the voices that

Hear and echo silently,

Overflowing the minds like a

New dawn every hour.

Hour 3, Prompt 3 – The Road to You

There they are again, bearing flowers

setting up beneath my window

asking for me to play

when whimsy will not move me

busy climbing my own mountain

and looking for something farther away


Where there is love, there is a road


The moment is too alive

it’s hot breath on my neck

and the air is thinner up here and

I am too dizzy with possibilities

to methodically entrap myself

In foolishness 


Where there is love, there is a road


For now, catalog your regrets

find some salve for your soul

I will be working in the night 

when my voice is strong

when we can be daring together

maybe then, we can birth new fire


Where there is love, there is a road

Dear Father

It’s been a decade since I’ve last heard the mystery of faith.

How I knew the kindness of true religion, words of wisdom

passed down from a man that knew God as a father, a friend,

whose voice was stronger still even when cancer tried to cut it short.

Father, Padre, forgive me of my sins, for which you may see,

and if there were ever angels, you graced the earth as one of them,

your wings the parish, all-encompassing. The definition of compassionate,

you loved us all. There is nothing I wouldn’t give

for one more slow Sunday, suspended by your liturgy,

but bless me now with something holier, an old memory,

haunted with the ghost of incense, and the words

to lift my soul to believe once more.

To Father Larry, a man of Spirit

Vicki – Hour 1

Hour 1

For Vicki Kelly, Anishinaabe/Metis scholar and my dear teacher and friend:


she sat across the table from me in silence until her mouth opened from the centre of the centre to release words I only dreamed to hear:

Go back to the teachings of your Ancestors

never doubting I knew who I was allowed me to be who I knew I was beyond the 23’n me shackles science to know the certainty of

my heart’s knowing –

Where my blood and marrow knows the songs of my people

even if my throat does not



She taught me to sing my songs from the spirit she coaxed forward out of shadow

with kindness


and humility

reserved for our wisest Elders.


Now I take shaky, tentative,

Tender-footed, baby steps toward my Ancestors

From the loving words of the one who speaks from the centre.


© r. l. elke

Dear Regret:

On the small-screen a younger hero, 
saves the dowager from distress and dereliction.

How unwedded is reality from fiction,
poor decision, unspoken requests, misunderstood, misinterpretations.

And a wasting of opportunities to be that hero, as you wasted and bed-sored, broke bones and were abhorred.

A family that cannot care, is doomed to despair.

Dear regret, there is no peace for the damned.  I know you are aware…


fathered in mystery

born from a need

a want

a hunger

to create


an idea

from an enigma

crack the egg

nurture and nudge

until it lays full born

in it aerie

a fledgling in its nest

ready to fly into the world

then left to lay



as if stillborn


lain in a casket




Letter to an Old Friend- Hour 4

It’s been a long time

A decade at least

We failed our friendship


I think about you, wonder

But always cautiously

Never willing to reach out

Never able to forgive

Our path together was always divergent

Always caught up in egos and prejudices

I know I can never trust you

Never believe in you


I wonder if our paths will converge again

If I will be ignorant enough

To fall under your spell

What I crave can kill me

What I hate can keep me strong


Our karma too thick

Too murky

Too dangerous

I keep you far away

To keep my heart safe,

My life calm.


You my greatest foe

My soulmate of sorrow

My constant refrain of decay

Wasted, crumbling


So much we could have done

It’s a wonder we survived


Hour 4: Letter To Granmom

Dear Granmom,

You had seven children, my mom was the last

And many foster children came through.

You were of hardy German stock, the clans rock

Without you, what would they do?

When I was born we lived with you

My mother and my own little self

You gave me love and soft cuddles

Never putting that love on a shelf.

When I was three, we moved from thee

Way down south in Alabama

My mother, father, sister and I

Had to leave behind my much loved gramma.

The years they passed and the time finally came

On the day that I turned seven.

We had to lay you to rest, broken hearted,

You gained your wings and went to Heaven.

Time has flown and I never forgot

How you visited me after you were gone.

Moving the Bible you gave me,

In which you signed to “My little one.”


Your granddaughter



It feels like yesterday we spent so much time together.

The laughter was easy and filled entire afternoon.

I am not sure why you left or where you went.

You just seemed to disappear slowly and then, were gone.

Without you, I am surrounded by a garrulous cloud of voices;

tumultuous noise of doubts and fears.

I relish the times you pop in, brief respites of joy.

I miss the person I was when you were here.