#5 eyebrows

i tortured a love by dividing it into two,

through metal picks, sharp threads, gummy sheets, curved scissors–any weapon that i choose

they fought to become uniform,

across my forehead, inching toward the other once again, thick with want, lusting forlorn

until i pulled them from the middle,

as always, guarding that they were apart, cleaned sharp, never allowing myself to be unbridled.

but, i removed all the women before me

whose names were drawn, by a deep hand, in the dark furrow where hung my history.

now, i cooed to them, to grow,

and they are stubborn, deafened and indifferent with my worries for tomorrow.

you did this to yourself,

so they have selected to fall away one by one, through suicide and swore, until nothing is left.


Lost Kite

Lost Kite

How often have I cried

To hold that orange and green colored kite

In my tiny hands

And let it shore higher up in the air

Gently gliding, furiously spinning

Zig-zag, zig-zag, further away from me

Becoming smaller and smaller

Till the thread could hold no more.


Hour 17


In the shadows

Somewhere only the darkness is familiar with.

We know how important it is to go there

If you want to know the secrets of the universe.


We don’t belong in the belfry of darkness.

We have a higher calling such as finding a way to

Go to the equator and wait for the sun to strike at just the right time.


When it’s all over, we’ll be able to rise out of the ashes

And be reborn in a new image.

Then, you’ll finally achieve enlightenment.

The Hatter Who Loved Hats

he was a man who made hats

he was a man who wore hats

he wore his hats to tea parties

he wore black hats with white ribbons

to sad parties, tea without sugar,

green hats he wore in springtime,

until springtime grew to autumn.

he planned the best parties

hats were required, necessities,

the hatter who made hats

the hatter who wore hats.



Night Shift

Hot night air blows furiously pass dainty burgundy curtains.  Matching blinds drawn slightly

Musky scent of city combined with  living . Hard work he was never scared to work I bleed green always a marine is what he’d say


Sweet tincture, amber hued, with forgetfulness imbued,

Cure me.

Make insensible my tongue, as the woe from me is wrung,

Endure me.

If I languish all forlorn, with guttate spell quoth, nevermore–

Adjure me.

I’ll misremember at first light, oblivion is mine tonight,

Reassure me.

Sweet tincture, amber hued, with forgetfulness imbued,



Prompt#17, Loss

It is usual for me

to forget things and lose things

no, forget faces and lose memory

no, forget sins and lose patience

no, forget courtsey and lose respect

no, forget the milk on fire and lose my ear-rings while taking the dress off

but all that is usual right?

What is unusual is that

I lost my measure of height and forgot I was half an inch higher

and so I married

a man half inch shorter and thats why


Lose the goddamn need to tattoo
Your life on your ass
And then bitch
Because people are all up in your business

Lose the goddamn need to defend
The political machine
When he’s an ass
On the world’s stage

Lose the goddamn need to create
Drama out of nothing
When life just flat out is what it is
And everyone can move along.

Lose the goddamn need for validation
Every damn time you turn around
Trolling social media
Like it put the dope in dopamine.

Lose the goddamn need to give up
Personal rights and freedoms
Even when you are the only one
Who cares.

Hour Seventeen

She came to me some months ago
28.6km – a short night flight
She wore a burnt orange shift
and found me at a white banquet table, on a white chair
She said, as she always did, “I love you, darlin’”

I woke up crying
White sheets in a white room

I went to her some weeks ago
28.6km – bad traffic on a Friday afternoon
She was so thin, ever silent but aware
in the “Cadillac of wheelchairs”
A regal edge in her upturned chin, stubborn glare

After an hour or so, she was taken to bed
I put my hand on her head,

She flinched.