Hour 15

Wife of Underworld

Falling to this dark place wasn’t great at first

But I have tasted the sweetest fruit

I have found a caring husband

Sometimes when visiting my mother

I miss the dark rather gloomy home I leave behind

It’s hidden beauty has started to shine brighter than the sun

But once in awhile it is good to have the sun on my skin

And flower petals in my hair

The True Lancelot

The old legend, the myth

of Arthur’s Knights, had

it somewhat wrong, it seems.

Yes, Lancelot was in love

with the queen, but Lance

was not a he, but a she.

And Guinevere knew

and loved her anyway

because even in those days,

,two ladies together

was hotter than hot.

Hour 15- an old myth

leading them
out of slavery…
the sea
cleaved to make way
to the promised land

the waves of men
unrelenting, unrepenting
in Kamathipura
whom do those empty eyes seek
customers or saviours?

Hour 15 – Prompt 15 – Will She return?

Goddess Kali, her name itself evokes fear
She is the epitome of time and change

She challenges every line defined
She wears her dark color as her pride

Her anger unleashed, she annihilates the demons
She is covered in skulls and justice is her jewel

She is a mother, protecting her children
In today’s world, with violence gaining hold

Will she emerge as a vanquisher to reinforce faith
in the good? Will She return? Only time will tell…

(c) Vijaya Gowrisankar

I fantasize…

I fantasize..

I fantasize about running my hands through your hair again.

I fantasize about waking up next to you. Legs intertwined.

I fantasize about your hands running across my body one more time.

The look in your eyes…

I fantasize about the love your eyes tell me you feel

I fantasize about what you will mean to me

I fantasize…

Draw Nearer

Draw Nearer

Sirens wailing, fires blazing
Draw nearer
Evacuation center
Smokey skies are burning
The sun’s on fire
The moon immersed in
A tidal pool of blood

Province burning, ‘copters whirling
Draw nearer
Breathe deep and try not to think
Of what could or could not be
It’s just about time
For the hot point in the year
Think carefully

Lakes are flooding, so many dying
Water and Air
Fire and Earth
All trade places
Nothing could be done about that perhaps
Not but you or me
But the rest!
We’re all caught up in it
Trees explode like roman candles
What started this?
One cigarette

Still too cool to put the flicker out
Instead of flash it out the window
Onto the tinder and broken land
You’re not above it all
No one is safe from any of this
Don’t think anyone is too good to
Be caught in the hell of flames
To lose your home or family
It happens every day

Sirens wailing, fires blazing,
Province burning, ‘copters whirling
Lakes are flooding, so many dying
Draw nearer
To a piece of sanity


Waking up

Under water…

How can I now breathe?

Sparkly colors

Surround me.

All upside down…

How can fish drown?

Not me.


Beware the deep waters,
We’re untold creatures roam and wait patiently for unwary human prey.
Placing upon themselves glamour’s and enchantments.
And when they decide that your flesh or soul is the one they’re craving,
Let’s go of any hope to survive.
The dark waters will swallow you whole and leave your bones as an example.
Beware the deep dark waters.