prompt 10 hour 10 – music prompt: did it take long to find me?

prompt 10 hour 10


did it take long to find me?


long, smoky car rides to anywhere am radio

reached through the smoke

and bald Prairie

to bring me melodies and

missing pieces I never knew I was missing



moon shadow and riders on the storm

terrified me

when they crackled through smoky,

electric summer Prairie nights

on trips to Dairy Queen

for dipped cones

with dad

to quell the prickling heat.


I didn’t want to lose my legs

or teeth or hands

to anything,

even if it meant I did’t have to work.


I’d rather be exhausted

than dismembered…

counting pieces of me I never knew were missing,


© r. l. elke

2 thoughts on “prompt 10 hour 10 – music prompt: did it take long to find me?

  1. I love this! So good! This picking only two for the anthology is tough, because this should be in the running too!

    My favourite part is below, but it was hard to chose.

    moon shadow and riders on the storm

    terrified me

    when they crackled through smoky,

    electric summer Prairie nights

    on trips to Dairy Queen

    for dipped cones

    with dad

    to quell the prickling heat.

  2. thank you. it was hilarious – when i saw the title was moonshadow for the music prompt, the terror in my stomach danced like it did when I was little. i described the song to my husband and he had never heard it…couldn’t believe the content. there was so much about this prompt that I couldn’t shake from those warm summer nights…in a good way. once again, thank you for these great prompts.

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