Second Chances In Life

She, I made it on through.

Trees alive standing there.

A branch from the tree of life.

Clay made so.

Brain, skin, and bones.

Vessels, muscles, fluid

Tissues he wipes the eyes, and serves.

Kindness of Awareness.

Brings public attention.

No more sorrows or pains.


To hope for a new beginning.

She, I hold onto the lord desperately.

Keeps us both narrow the straighter the road.

Heart to hearts.

Humble, and persistency.


Cover shoulders to shoulders.



She’ll and I’ll keep him first, chances we get.

They all will know.

Just how good he is to us.

She I will except, and it will

Shape up our life’s.

With wings to fly, and on our way.

To be not afraid,

And for he is with us.


Second chance in life.

Common truth.

Divine love,

With brown colorful eyes.

Our first and last love.


The Evangelist who guides you there.

Made us to see,

And of his ways.

Righteousness right stuff.

To mend on in.

The blue sky and white clouds to see again,

And again.

Its real reality.

The sky is the limit, they told us.

Just when we were,

A little girl.

Second chances.

To fight.


In life.




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