- A black pot of vultures spiral
Below the cabinets they sit there
In darkness dusty underneath England
Like rotor blades chopping on through
Vaporize stars
Drys as the sand burns hot
Your bones weaken or stiffen
A slip off of words you said
Needle of an eye passes
In June a ebony eagle eye watching over you
Sharply like a knife cutting off the edges
Pray and praise with anew song
That humble you still you wait
While the time turns
Notes to read
Gravy on many sounds approaching, and picket flute amaze with a tone in this room out loud to last until the last song played low
A freshly remixed in groups to wine in unity
Hero from the 1900’s of
A harvest and crops hues given
Likeliness of spoken words with a heart touches you
Ebony to walk on water
Pinky lilies without bubble bees scented on off
Trees standing still in front of you unbelievable
Smiles from the sun that shines mango orange down on earth ground we walk on
Elect of an army of God’s messengers
Reflections of his images
Shown in a mirror brighter like the sun