Source Material: The Land of Little Rain by Mary Austin
This is the nature of chaos.
Streaked with ash, evaporating the dark and bitter lies.
The wind drifts between them, the quick storms scar them
past redeeming.
One expects not to depend upon brackish and unwholesome dribbles.
Here you find the sink of Death,
the long heavy winds
and breathless calms on the tilted mesas where devils dance.
When all the earth cries for violence, with little in it to love.
[I don’t have a scanner and the erasure website wouldn’t let me create an account to save my erasure work. But I was able to save it as a PDF. Click the title of the poem to see the actual erasure work: Nature of Chaos – Poem ]
Wow! This poem is intense and supports a strong theme! Love this line: Here you find the sink of Death…
It was the blacking out words poetry prompt. I was quite pleased at how the source material flowed into one theme.
I like that line as well. Thanks for reading.
Yes – I still couldn’t see the poem in its erasure form but you pulled the right words to build this poem! Evocative and compelling!
Thanks, Christy. I
That was supposed to say “Thanks, Cristy. I appreciate that.” But my phone decided to be weird lol
That was supposed to say “Thanks, Cristy. I appreciate that.” But my phone decided to be weird lol
No worries – you are welcome!