The Earth is clean and green
But humans are selfish and mean
The flora, fauna, water and tree
Are all provided to us for free.
Even though we have all live on Earth
Only a few know it’s worth
The human mind is always filled with greed and lust
Smoke from the factory fills the air with smoke and dust
The oceans are filled no more with the turtle and the fish
It seems to have only plastic which comes free with every dish
Every part of the Earth is filled with pollution
But nobody has the time to find any solution
The Earth cries as it gets looted for its coal and oil
But the greed of man never lets him recoil
Animals cry as they are killed for their fur and hair
But humans are interested in only becoming a millionaire
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
Spoiling nature will damage the life of our future generation
Recycle, reduce, reuse and share
Start showing the Earth that we care.