Femininity is wonderful
It’s not afraid of spelling things wrong
The glitter pens and rounded swooping letters
The memory of someone calling your handwriting “nice”
seared in your memory
Femininity is loud
It’s the nights we watch our favorite movie musicals
And we treat it like our own personal concert
She laughs with me, jumping to the beat
Femininity is lovely
It’s the exclusive fashion shows
That take place on in cozy dorm rooms
Littered with a trove of wonders
Femininity is problem-solving
Losing the key to my friends apartment because I
Was cat sitting and not being met with anger
But a, “let’s figure out what to do”
Femininity is self-love
In the softer and harder parts
And our love for one another
Instills a love for ourselves
Femininity is home
It’s the feeling of holding hands
Sunsets on a summer day
And the feeling of someone to hold
No matter how far away they are