Hour 2 – Spider Plan – Image Prompt

Do you think I’m the kind of person Who has a plan and makes it happen? When weaving a spider’s web, do they think it out? Or do they just start walking, while leaking A fine gossamer line from end to end of a corner…

Where Were We?

Disconnect from daily strife Lull all thoughts into delight Soothing sounds spinning Farther away from reality Twirling and floating into clouds Elysian Fields, dreams, calming peace Pathways and visions of contentment Time slows and drifts away as Body clock begins to move and sway To…

Inside my head

The beauty of time, is the it never comes back. Today becomes yesterday and tomorrow the present. Regrets aren’t options, looking forward ahead. Every action has a reaction and every reaction has a consequence. Can’t cry over spill water, you just move forward. Can’t force…

#2 – For all these years

i have thought of you for all these years for when your heart will take it’s place of residence inside my own finally more than a nameless face i’ve dreamt of you for all these years my love shines inside your eyes i know your…