Dear Anshu,

Dear Anshu, 2001, Life is a box full of Surprises Every moment is a Present You gotto open it with a Smile Embrace even the Fragile Walk another Mile Define your own Style And Never settle in being just Fine

Weekend Getaway

Campfires rage in a steel cold night. Coffee by the fireside and music that is right. The hush of the fog makes everything else stand still The moonbeam through the fir trees make the darkness more real. Just inside the cabin window there a canteen…

Love Letter

And You Have Come, Never To Go Away! And We Have Met, To Walk Forever On The Endless Way.. A Promise, Never To Give Up On Each Other, Come What May!

Running from concrete

The sparkle of the moonbeams danced in the reflection of this morning’s coffee The hush of the owls palpable in the air hanging like fog on  the misty lake One more sip of fresh water left in the canteen Damn I don’t know if I’ve…

An Unlikely Father

Whilst everyone is happy That she got a perfect partner to spend her life with The father is upset Because he is going to take the reason for his living away from him Whilst everyone is rejoicing That she got a perfect partner to look…

missed connections

I had plenty of time but he asked for too much of what I had money pomp and circumstance Seemed to be what mattered to him   For me it was the chance to move energy and see what happened when we did It was…

One Thousand and One

There were at least one thousand and one reasons to go back.  I only needed the one. Simple love lived there.  It had been years since I paid her a visit, yet she welcomed me like it was yesterday.  Simple love is easy that way. …


In the quest of her realm She was a wandering soul Discovering life She grew And knew that she herself was a gem! In the thirst of knowledge She was a wondering soul Totally in aww of herself Constantly questioning her identity Somehow she knew…

Locked Up In The Sky

She did not stay locked in the Cage made of gold For she herself was a bird With a heart of gold High was her flight Sharp was her sight Fierce like an eagle She flew up in the skies Infinite skies were her home…

The Trip

I was able to visit a place that is out of this world.  I couldn’t describe the feeling inside when I saw then light and splendor.  At first I thought that the lights were so bright, then realize that Love was the light.  I felt…