
Earthbound wish to fly is a tale I tell myself In truth, Pan-ic is the name of the demon hiding in my aerophobia lobe Whispering dark thoughts: Too much traffic, you’ll miss your flight A storm is brewing, the plane could crash You’ll be profiled…

Intimately fond

She comes to me more in memories than dreams there, not there still there To know she is not lost loses its sting when I remember that I am also not lost to her What is not lost cannot need to be found why we…

I Am

If ever there was a moment any moment, in which I was not myself, that moment pushed us each away from the other. I am she who is not, yet I am eternal; a child of one who is.

Flight Talk

Atlanta, London, Greece and back To London, Boston, ATL Then, thanks to my friend, C. Black, We flew to LAX, as well In all the lands I’ve ever been, There’s never been a man like you My birthday-neighbor-lovely-djinn Unnerving friend; respectful, true Serendipities may mark…

Handsome Guardian

He was huge, my guardian Sent my way by who knows who Big people no doubt. Concerned with my safety, no doubt. Or perhaps concerned I might explode? Who knows… Mountains of molehills if that be the case. I am not like the terds not…


“‘In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.” – Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass I knew from a very young age my connection to the land No small feat for a city kid Every summer would find…

This Prineville Wind!

Oh Mother Earth, what’s with this wind? It’s summer now, and time to send the twilight heat, not rain and hail! I had to turn the heater on and with a blanket keep my tootsies warm! The winter snow to no avail Is months away!…

Plant kingdom

It started with a fire Blazing hot brutal devastating howling winds with forked tongues licked flames kicking them higher melting metal shattering glass obliterating concrete human screams lost in raging infernos crawling across the planet all was charred all was scarred a wasteland Time passed…


I walk, but never enough. If I could, I would walk for endless hours across the forests where I love to walk. I hike not uphill. The lowlands call me. Rivers, streams, creeks mostly… those tight, shady spots where the water is shallow and clean….

Not Just a Dream

Assume the dream! Wake up! Question vivid detail! And when perhaps something more just happens in our lives, we have experienced such a time that most, or perhaps only some of us will wonder if it was so. I, at the last decades of my…

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