2022 prompt/hour 9: “strawberries”

2022 prompt/hour 9: “strawberries”   Spilling from the car Shaking off the tiredness from the trip Shaking off almost as much sand from the beach visit to Kings’ We are here! The strawberry farm – a local institution Any trip to the farm needs: 1…

Orange candy

Hour -8     Childhood, when innocence used to be my biggest virtue… when the world happened to be fair…. when tiny stuff gave me supreme joy, Childhood when I dwelled in my fantasies … When the world seems to be selfless When all appeared…

Christmas at Grandma’s (Hour 9)

I sit with legs spread wide a piece of chicken in one hand a spoon to shove rice and stew into my mouth in the other   All the Christmases in my lifetime none comes close to the ones spent with grandma in the ancient…

Inner child, fed

There is a danger when I am home alone and spy a carton of eggs when opening the refrigerator door even moreso if there is also bread in the breadbox and then if a saucepan is clean I can hard-boil some of those eggs while…

Hour 9

I don’t have any specific memories from when I was a child in Hong Kong, just scraps of phrases and old photographs. Scents and flavours, like the chocolate candy filled with strawberry bubbles. I do remember when I ate it for the first time, again….

January Tracks

Hour 9, Prompt 9   January Tracks   Come January when family’s tire tracks are frozen in the drive And the cookstove pumps its heat through his roughshod shack Wind whistles lonely hollow along the edge of camp And mem’ries come quick on its melody’s…