Edge of the world

Swirls of colors zoom past my head Filling up the space above and below The edge of the earth Where void and expanse Touch Tempting peace and time Like the creation of Adam Always in each other’s orbit But never touching Never connecting I hold…

The Expanse

A vast expanse extends before me. As far as the eye can see. I watch the clouds glide slowly past me and feel extraordinarily free. I’m undaunted by the unknown, and I lack the wings to fly. I throw my arms wide open, to embrace…

I Hear Your Words

Description: Several interlocking cycles of words, which can be read starting in a few different places. Moving left-to-right, one reading might be: I hear your words have meanings even the meaningless interjections mean something to me I can’t unsee Another might be: Words have meanings…

Hour 6

the medieval faithful believed Spain’s Cape Finisterre was the end of the world and to sail beyond that horizon was to fall off the very face of the earth I stand on the rocky shore and feed the strands of my mother’s hair to the…

Hour 6 Image Prompt – Offbeat

Got lost today Hopefully to find a new way A way through darkness To the light A way that flowers grow Swaying in the wind   I left prepared for the journey Everything I thought if needed Would be within arms reach Now I’m here…

Flattened curves (Prompt 6)

Only once have I spoken with someone who truly seemed to believe the world is flat With great sincerity he spoke of pie-crust geology keeping oceans in – like unbaked quiche When asked what he saw looking over the edge – ‘clouds. no idea where…

Hour 6 text prompt – Over the edge, over again

I had a dream of A’Tuin The great turtle flying through space I peered over the edge and over again, The underside of the disc Expecting desolation A smooth platform to ease the labors Of four colossal elephants spinning Our great disc Instead it was…