Tools of Love

Click the button, Close out the app, Swipe through pictures, And add your profile. Finding love has become A crazy thing, With hearts and Winks And being flirty. Loving him, Kissing her Chatting and messaging. The chaos of Modern Love. Apps to talk face to…

Dream Love

She writes an ode to her lover In the form of a book. He is there, Her hero and yet Not quite a hero, But he is hers. She sends out her love As a whisper to the trees, And it carries it to him,…

Long Distance

Lock in the dates, Count down the time, And prepare to see your love Once again. Map out the route, Plan all your stops, And drive until you Reach them. Longing and Road trips, Flights and Plans, Just get to love As quick as You…

Swipe Right

Swiped right, Moved left In this adventure with insanity I dance with devils At night In the daylight, I cry. The angels Bore me to tears. So, I swipe again For another devil To take just that much more of my soul A soul I…