Prompt Eleven (11): The Castle [Hour 11]

There’s A Place The land is green As far as one can see. High upon a hill He stands almost still. Behind the handsome loving one Lit by the shining sun … Is my castle true, Red brick and lavender blue. It’s a storybook home,…

Prompt Ten (10): Shadows of Planets [Hour 10]

IF I LOSE THE PLANET Losing Earth was harsh; First we lost the sun… We had warmth, but did not know from where; The moon had a shadow, and it did provide light. Maybe it kept the warmth, or the planet was warmed… generations ago….

Prompt Nine (9): These Words [Hour 9]

I was in my cottage… And this strange little bird … popped in. He told me, “Ain’t this heat like sin?!” I looked at the treeline; shaking the lethargy of my quarantine. There my porridge sat, and ZOOM, the bird spat! I saw he wore…

Prompt Five (5): If I Jump Off Here

If I jump off here… Will you be there? If I fly away though this path… Will you join me on the journey?   If I jump off here… Will I land beside you? If I never see you again… Will you seek me forever?…

Prompt Four (4): My Dearest . . .

My Dearest …, We have this place…unseen by most; We have this bond…since we were born. We spent the years…apart; We promised we’d meet…near this end. As my middle years…come to me hard; Your senior years…harder still; Will you allow me in…or have you chose;…

Prompt Two (2): Recipe For Procrastination

Recipe For Procrastination Ingredients: Active mind A sense of laziness A love of naps Insomnia Some bursts of depression Too much to do Not enough to do Easily bored Aging Take your active mind and mix it with too much to be done … for…

Prompt Five (5): Carved In My Heart [Hour 5]

Carved In My Heart Do you remember me? We met here… Long ago; Lifetimes before. Do you know me, still? We met again, Right here… Not even a moment ago. More than once… twice three times, four and five… a dozen times. Always so close……