Two New Boys in the Family

For Garrett, a shy first-born, his world is Mommy, Daddy,the dogs and a few. When his loving Momma pulls out the camera, He sometimes gets lost in the joyful moments indoors or outdoors, in handsome clothes or comfy pajamas.   When daddy swings him upside…

Ode to Babies – hour 21

They laugh and they sigh but babies do cry; a form of speaking, aye! An automatic and frantic spike of infants and toddlers alike.   First motionless and cradled, now flip and they wobble able and once helpless bait now prey like sharks in wait.  …

Nibling Niblets- hour 14

From my niblings came littles nephew and nieces, I mean the babies are my niblets they’re unseen, but they sing.   Niblets make me happy they look like my niblings and sometimes they hug me just like my siblings.   Even though I never had…

X. Childless Mother

My children come to me in the night. I hear their thin, airy voices calling my name, and it startles me awake. Each one lost before the fourth month, All ignored except by me, but know this: They had names, futures, destinies, but I never got to…

#5 – Miracle

tiny little hands ten toes curl then open slow a sweet yawn escapes my heart overflows with love at the miracle i made