Kaleidoscope – Hour 17

Nothing seems more magical to a child than to spend some hours with a kaleidoscope.   Endless magical scenes unfold as the colors roll and twist and dissolve one into another.   There may once have been a purpose for them, but now we only…

10. Colours of the Rainbow

Red – blood fresh out of a cut finger Orange – juice oozing out of a fruit Yellow – rays from the sun glaring down Green – stains from freshly cut grass Blue – as above so it is below Indigo – the special child…


HOUR TEN The color Purple- bellflowers, lavender scented soaps, tulips and eggplants- the soil is warm idle garden glove under the summer sun- lilac into verdant mulberry artichokes hand-picked from the home garden Seedlings sprouts into another flower. Red as Sindoor, Henna, spice chai, poppy…

Haiku #9

All the sights are glass—- all the sights are black and white when I feel fine.