#8- A Rowling Stone Gathers No Moss

Cupboards and spiders, Screaming and fighting, All of a sudden, I’m eleven, There’s magic. A big scary man and a secret train station, A red headed boy and a little know it all. Four houses to belong to, A talking hat that decides my way,…

Rowling’s Troll

Low rumbling, shuffling footfalls, gigantic feet. Something huge, moving toward them. Into the shadows, as it emerged into a patch of moonlight. Twelve feet tall, skin a dull, granite gray. Lumpy body, like a boulder, its small bald head perched on top. Legs thick as tree trunks. Flat,…

Hour 07 4.30-5.30am — #84 “Seven dozen”

seven dozen really inspire one — & at least one site suggests a modern call for #84 is Dumbledore, so it’s a no brainer #84 Homage to the Old Bumblebee born in Mould-on-the-Wold a mildewing village, of honey buzzes round his kingdom castle bee-humming, pollenating…